Tuesday, May 15, 2007


A - Available or Single? neither
B - Best Friend? booboo, the divine miss em, cupcake.
C - Cake or Pie? as long as they don't have berries anywhere near them, i don't care.
D - Drink of Choice? water, miller lite
E - Essential Item(s)? phone (unfortunately), chapstick, keys, ipod, notebook & pen
F - Favorite Color? greens
G - Gummi Bears or Worms? bears, i bite the heads off first and giggle. worms gross me out, i avoid them at all costs. they can slither back into the cracks in the pavement and suck it.
H - Hometown? home of the purple panthers
I - Indulgence? avocado/oatmeal face masks.
J - January or February? both have bad juju
K - Kids? eventually
L - Life is incomplete without: beer and rainbows.
M - Marriage Date? September 20, 2008
N - Number of Siblings? One
O - Oranges or Apples? peaches or maybe clementines
P - Phobias/Fears? regret
Q - Favorite Quote: “ you whack, you twisted, your girls a ho. you broke, the kid ain't yours and everybody know."
R - Reasons to Smile? listening to my grandfather tell family stories, my little friends, planning a wedding that involves kegs.
S - Season? fall, hands down. the other three can eat a you know what.
T - Tag Three: no, i won't
U - Unknown Fact About Me: i hate knocking on people's doors.
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? i'm an equal opportunity oppressor
W - Worst habits? nail biting, over-analyzing, worrying. you think there might be anxiety issues?:)
X - X-rays or Ultrasounds? i try to avoid medical procedures
Y - Your Favorite Foods? they change. currently: kalamata olives, roasted almond gelato from whole foods, kettle corn, orange bell peppers,
Z – Zodiac? pisces

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