Wednesday, August 1, 2007


i'm puzzled by the whole dynamic brought about by in-laws/future in-laws. i thought we were supposed to become family, or at the very least friendly?? not so sure when everyone lost sight of that, or maybe that ideal was never in sight in the first place. i know my family is not difficult or high maintenance, so dealing with both difficultility (new word) and high maintenanceness (again), is something entirely new for me. i tend to be (read always am) one of those people who shies away from conflict of any kind and would rather just let things fester in lieu of actually having a confrontation and dealing. i know its total playground behavior, but its just the way i operate. i've been working on it, but its a slow process.
so here is my ultimate question. why in the world would the fmil accuse the fiance and i of NOT informing her of the new wedding date? please people, that borders on criminal. i understand that i can be a flake sometimes, but i distinctly remember doing this. i may even remember what i was wearing, but i'm not entirely sure. regardless, why must this be an issue in the first place? whatever happened to acting your age and INQUIRING instead of accusing? i seriously can't deal and i'm getting super excited to deal with more issues like this in the future.

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