Tuesday, December 30, 2008

no resolutions this year, just guarantees

i'm going to make a list. i will be crossing things off of it. it will happen.
here it is.....

* take better care of myself because i can almost guarantee the enormous cyst currently growing on my ovary has something to do with my health habits over the last three years.
* not freak out and put the cart before the horse i.e. convince myself that i have metastatic lung cancer when there are no signs pointing in that direction.
* not feel guilty when songs from college bring me back, its where i came from son!
* less tv, more reading (not the kind where i skim the pages until something interesting happens, but actually reading each word on the page)
* work on being confident; in my decisions, in my abilities, in my thoughts.
* get the fuck back to school. i finally miss it and i am craving me some academia. i want to learn again and work to get ahead.
* make the bungalow a home.
* be a better housekeeper (believe me, it won't take much)
* keep in mind that you choose your friends, not your family.

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